My life is a conduite d'approche.
What I'm talking about? I can tell you my way, but I found a fantastic site organized by the Faculty of the Alma Mater Studiorum SSLMIT Forlì offering definitions of the beautiful. Who better could you explain what are the Pizzamiglio conduite d'approche ? "Subsequent changes in the phonemic target word produced by the patient in an attempt to self-correct, which can sometimes lead to the correct word." An example that I found around the web is this: "arbrobreo, Arbre, Rab, sunrises, trees, in short, the patient wants to say" tree, "but to produce the first word correct, it's incorrect pronunciation different, and every attempt is always closer to the target. Patients spoken of are aphasic. It also comes in handy here Pizzamiglio: Aphasia is a disorder of verbal communication arising from an acquired brain injury and involving one or more components of the complex process of understanding and production of verbal messages. "
bet that now everything is clearer.
Or not?
Of course I'm happy. Yes, because the Neuropsychology is my field, that's what I studied for five years, and talk about it makes me feel good. The misfortune is that now I can not find a way to implement it. The joke is that psychological results. Psychologist of this shit. Neuropsychology is another thing.
Oh well the meaning of all 'ste words is very trivial.
seems to me that my life is an approximation to something.
See, however, something I'm missing.
But I persevere in our quest.
No news. Good news.
No news. Good news.