Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Face Gets Hot After I Eat Lunch

Economic Crisis: Industrial production peak in 2009 -17.5%

Yesterday ISTAT has issued another very negative definitive data on Italian industrial production in December 2009 to confirm the state of our economy and businesses that hold the scaffold.

The decrease in industrial production in December 2009 compared to November 2009 has reported a slowdown -0.7%.

Even more worrying is the average annual reduction of industrial production in 2009 compared to 2008, which was contracted by -17.5%, although the 254 working days in 2009 against the 253 working days in 2008.

In 2008 it was already reported for an average annual decrease of -3.1% in industrial production, which did not presage a collapse of this size the following year.

now the main industry sectors in Italy are in these difficulties are asking for state support already granted to the Fiat in the past year having a privilege accorded to few.

year is the time of household appliances and anything else that can take advantage of incentives to buy, but here we will analyze the methodology proposed by the Government.

The 2010 start and then under the auspices of the worst, given that this government to date has not moved any step towards support for large, small and medium-sized enterprises in difficulty, not recognizing any tax benefit or increased development support, even denying the monitoring banks that are tightening their grip on lending.

Under these prospects as the country might return to the driving force for growth and development?

probably after the flight of many companies overseas, is taking shape for impoverishment Italian industrial fabric with direct reflection on the economy of the country and Italian families, so you will need to review 360-degree model of our society, from industrial to post-globalization.

If not, and we hope, we expect an intervention by the government for clarification on the status of the industry and providing assistance to start, since today it seems that nobody has mentioned this from Palazzo Chigi economic data rather important and illuminating state of depression of the main economic sector of the country.

article by Paul Praolini Agoravox Italy

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chicken Domino Instructions

Why Ciancimino jr. decided to speak! The application in Campania

Demand has become a slang through bourgeois salons and popular markets, offices and newsrooms, bars and bingo halls, in a word, all of Palermo: "Why talk Massimuccio?". And, above all, because he talks right now? Why would a young scion of the bourgeoisie from the surname heavy mafia, which has breathed silence since he was an infant, the guardian of secrets and billions, decided one day to the end of 2007 to abandon its "sweet life", will continue despite a conviction for money laundering and confiscation of € 60 million to meet Maurizio Belpietro, then director of Panorama, and climb on rough paths of negotiation "mafia-state" raising a controversy with implications institutional unpredictable?

And opening, in fact, the road to the first interrogation in January 2008 (Caltanissetta) and March 2008 (Palermo) to point to as missiles, his words and documents, against Marcello Dell'Utri and Silvio Berlusconi? Basically in Palermo demand fueled by distrust of a surname that has marked the city in a negative and a story by institutional boundaries are still confused, and "who makes you do?".

As for team training Rosanero, each of Palermo, has, of course, a proper response, sometimes anchored to the ground of logic, often flying in the skies of conspiracy. He wants to save what remains (and is probably not much) of the family patrimony? He wants to escape the personal prevention measures, the only one that really scares him and prevent him from continuing to do the traders in the markets all over the world? Rule ancient accounts of his father running a non-written last will and testament of Don Vito, who in the last months of life described "in a cryptic nature of its business relationships through a network of nominees?".

He explains it this way ', blending noble and less noble reasons, family members and civilians: "A friend of Mr. Franco told me not to talk about him, his world, Berlusconi and negotiation, De Donno assured me that treaty would put on state secrets. Sciacchitano pm And, through the prof. Lapis, I sent word not to mention the gas companies: a Lapis replied that I had broken all the boxes to protect and pay just me. And my wife (tired of legal problems, ed) told me I was spoiling the child by calling Vito Andrea. With a commitment she made on the day that I was convicted with this life I would have stopped. From now on I want my son Vito is proud to bear the surname that door. "

If the inner serenity of Gaspare Spatuzza noticed by more than a token is the calling card of his religious conversion, it is actually more difficult to attribute the words of Ciancimino Jr., for family reasons has always been immersed in a subculture omerta, the lay dress of a shock on the road to civil Arcore.
But it is fair to ask why the young Max talk just now, it seems legitimate to question the same against other memoirs to watch the actors on stage institutional, Nicola Mancino, Claudio Martelli, Liliana Ferraro Luciano Violante up to the same Mori and De Donno, which revealed six years after their meeting on June 25 with Paolo Borsellino.

To confirm that the holes blacks of that season are still numerous, and the billions Ciancimino taken to Milan in the late '70s, as evidenced by the decisions of the Mafia trials and bankruptcy and collections of newspapers of the time, may be a formidable interpretative key to re-read events are still current in Italy in the pacts and blackmail.

Article by Joseph Lo Bianco from the daily act of February 10, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Decline In Jeans Quality

De Magistris

In the last few hours in many, many fronts, and through various communication tools, they ask me an act of courage and responsibility: to participate in the electoral race for the region of Campania. It 's a sign of esteem and confidence that almost causes me embarrassment, because of that feeling of love that I feel this in this request. A request that I am forced, painfully, to decline, because of the courage and responsibility that it calls into question. I say painfully because Campania is a land I love, because my land. A difficult but fertile region, where the continuation of a policy swampy, with the collusion and connivance of the cross, has not cleared the desire of political change in its population. The clan that constrain the economy and result in government spending, but also Saviano and the fight against o'sistema. Unemployment and ill-employment result of the infamous exchange between personal interests and electoral reasons, but also the sacrifice of young people inventing an alternative and a future. Therefore deserves a new leadership, courageous and responsible in fact, responding to the desire for renewal and discontinuity. It would be a test of courage and responsibility leave his post as chairman of the Budget Committee and the role played in the European Parliament, who have been delegated by the vote of nearly 500 thousand voters? What would be courageous and responsible in leaving a post that I promised to do the best to the citizens? It would be new and it would be just a choice like this, which would re-affirmed the same old practice so offensive to the community of those seeking consensus for a commitment and then betrayed that promise to embark on another adventure in politics? There is need for transparency and honesty in Campania, create an administration that makes these adjectives the meaning of his mission, breaking with the tradition of co-management, patronage power, with pacchettari of votes that determine the leadership, with the intertwining of crime and in public affairs. But meeting this challenge, I wonder, can I choose to go through the "turnaround" of the popular mandate, I have received from those who voted for me as an MEP? I can disregard the obligations of the Commission for the control of the budget, I believe as an opportunity to restore a proper use of public money? I fail to making European combating gangs, their institutional infiltration, to their exploitation on the economy and institutions? I think not, I can not do. As a politician I feel I must demonstrate credibility and fairness toward electorate. For the region will continue to stand, how I'm from Europe and Europe, which is not a golden exile, as many critics contend, but a political space where you can fight for the future of their country. Lot with the people on the move in Italy. And my country, for me, it is also and above all the Campania. Since his surrender in fact, like that of the whole South depends on the fate of a nation.

Di Luigi De Magistris from his blog