The last return of Santoro on TV in 2006 with the advent of 'Year Zero', had created a deep shock in RAI and in the political environment that governs the fate for many years.
In too many, from the galaxy that swirl around the fate of public television from 2006 that you eagerly and earnestly interested to follow and criticize the role of repetitive condition stealer public Santoro-dependent. He
the level of fibrillation, which can generate around him, turns out to be for many a character with undoubted powers of expression, as well as organizational media attraction of excellence.
With his show (see Rai for a night) and its investigation is always managed to turn his team and its broadcast in a media magnet, generating a high rating to the public and amplifier Rai plays in the late evening where few riescno in the difficult business of winning plays.
Unfortunately or fortunately from now on all Italian newspapers and blogs have been hearing his name out loud again, under different headlines and colorful that they approve or condemn the recent performance, tying unexpected announcement of his' relief 'Rai environments.
It's right, Michele Santoro, seems to have decided to leave voluntarily by Rai, strange but true. The
defender of freedom of information, the public defender of the rights denied, the unmasking of corruttopoli promoter of a certain policy in vogue these days, took his wise decision to leave the 'stage television'. But at the Santoro National
I can only give a reason, moreover, to work in that environment where stress and more work should be addressed to parry the blows of its leaders that instead of facilitating work episode after episode crucify him, not allowing to work with the serenity that would merit the construction and conducting a program review directed to public service.
same happens with the policy scalded by its detectors work midweek regurgitates every Friday morning and throughout the weekend sentences and convictions for this hour, according to some is given a seamless media space and perhaps out of control.
But that does not offend us because we know politics from the pulpits of those judgments which are issued exclusively addressed to the denigration.
But now dear Michael I think it's a real showdown, not so much to all those opponents that we have too often hurled eggs at him, hiding in the other hand the body of the crime you reported.
The Italians now realize that they ask you is another one related your reward for his service in this company that each of us supports the fee.
A bill that would coincide perfectly with your battles for justice, equality between citizens, the fairness policy and institutions must take to the voters and that thou our champion you often loaded on the shoulders of the battles to make public any or all of us.
Then come back to the point to say that we do not want to believe that the fee for your studies defilade Rai could amount to 10 or 17 or do not know 'how many tens of millions of euro, how many and in too many flag-wavers, even without nothing concrete that can founding a slightest credibility of information.
I am sure that what you have done over many years of glorious battles more or less success, keep your faith to believe in such a way that denies deep cunning predator key money from the resources expended by the citizens and the community to subscribers RAI.
If so then will quickly to deny rumors that they give you now the Olympus of the fortunate few 'Pension golden rule' that with the severance pay prebend ensure livelihood for themselves and for future generations and that you have always condemned in your services and your battles.
We do not want to believe information manipulated.