DDL interception and transfer of the case of Florence
parallel to the discussion of the bill interceptions, one of the country, the world of information, and some political party are wondering what the future of many investigations after the adoption of this law.
Gags or not, the media impact of this legislative action was very strong and broad-shocked public opinion in the left and right.
From PDL, Mr Sheen in an interview yesterday, believes that this text can be improved on constitutional issues of privacy, justice and freedom of the press. "
is not the same opinion Senator Bossi more intransigent than ever, reports that " revision of this bill would be met with a veto of the league that would prevent final approval. "
Minister Alfano in a defensive position behind the choir of the PDL report that "we do not want to defend any lobby, but the privacy of citizens"!
Even Mr Cicchitto is still the position of a procedure without modification, confirming that "no further changes in the House are agreed." The opposition
change the tone, reaching an unusual overheating as that of Mr Enrico Letta from the PD that the answers to those questions firmly "the House will be a Vietnam for the majority. "
the same opinion Mr Casini "this law should be changed to the House at all points," Mr Di Pietro is also driven by the fervor usually announces barricades and a siege of Deputies, which will be occupied!
I could go back again so many comments by politicians and representatives from a number of categories completed the colorful scenery of the public drawn from this discussion so emotionally stronger for the future of the country in terms of justice and information.
A future with the final approval of this bill, would see a strong pull towards the fight against corruption and lawlessness, generated by the inability to successfully complete thorough investigations supported by prolonged and wide-ranging wiretapping that led to the recently discovered dark and somewhat dangerous machinations against the community.
It 's the case of the "clique of Florence, where the judiciary are committed to working diligently on the latest excerpts from wiretaps still available, where the prosecutor of Florence has rebuilt over the last two years the activities of a group of avid interest to unexpected' contract for the construction "of the school of the marshals of Florence."
The group involved in the investigation of unexpected Florentine is represented by Denis Verdini (Coordinator of the National People's Freedom), Francesco Piscicelli (contractor), Richard Wayne (the contractor), Fabio De Santis (administrator to the works of Tuscany) and Angelo Balducci (Chairman of the Board of Public Works), these last two currently reside in prison, pending the suspension of detention that may come from Rome.
From what emerges from the investigation behind the tender for the construction of the School of Finance, was established a network of exchange of favors and bribe money directed to the role of institutions responsible for overseeing the proper conduct of the works.
Cases like that of Florence with the possible approval of "DDL on wiretapping," which will soon enter the Chamber of Deputies, in danger of never being able to emerge into the sunlight, if we think that the first interception in this case date back to 2008.
While the new law may not exceed 30 days of interceptions, extension for 15 days + 15 days if new elements emerge. But worry
magistrates of Florence is not only the bill which we have written extensively in many other articles about AV.
In recent days the news came to the decision of the Supreme Court transferred the investigation into the barracks in Rome, the marshals opened in Florence for more than 3 years impegnado heavily Florentine magistrates, and to date has brought to light what we all know.
Why then transfer the jurisdiction of this case from Florence to Rome, where prosecutors were investigating activity reporting excellent results?
in Florence in many, if they ask for and maybe even with a concern not hidden.
But from now on we hope this change of venue is well reasoned and not leading the investigation, so far successfully conducted on a "dead end" but does not lead to success of Justice and institutions. From
resolution of this case of corruption, public opinion is waiting for a ransom, which could demonstrate the power of the state against some powerful who violated the law in order to achieve personal gain exclusive squandering the meager resources now.